Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I am sitting here in my Grandpa's office just getting ready for bed (it's late, I know) and I was contemplating time. Yes, time. What is time? I looked it up in Noah Webster's 1828 dictionary. Believe me, there are different meanings of the word time.

1. A particular portion or part of duration, whether past, present, or future
2. A proper time; a season
3. Duration
4. A space or measured portion of duration
5. Life or duration, in reference to occupation
6. Age; a part of duration distinct from other parts
7. Hour of travail
8. Repetition; repeated performance
9. Repetition; doubling; addition to a number itself
10. Measure of sounds in music
11. The state of things at a particular period
12. In grammar, tense. In time, in good reason

But not only did I want to give different meanings of time. I wanted to say that we often think of how much time we have, or, as I often think, how little time we have. I have been quite busy lately (as we all have been most likely) and thinking things like, "I don't have enoungh time!" Now I am just realizing how little time we have before we are gone and out of this life. It will come soon enough and we must be ready for it. We must do well with the time God has given us. God Bless.


The Goldman Family said...

Aside from Uncle Kenny (my big brother and now Pastor) and his amazing quotes I never knew anyone who could say so much with so little words, and now you do it! I love your posts! So deep and thoughtful. You always make me ponder. God bless you young man!

I can tell you I see, with Jebediah, our 8th child, I realize more what is the meaning of time is and how it "FLY'S BY"! Maybe it is my age and the time I have lived life (a stinking whole 33 years) ANYWAY...I am enjoying and loving every minute with Jeb. Time is a Big word to me. Thanks for reminding me.

O.K. I don't ever say much real fast like you, (oh know..a waste time HA) but David just know I love you tons, thanks for your posts.
Aunt Tami

Anonymous said...

If you think about it time really is a weird concept. anyways great post! I hope we can see you soon.

Kenny Anderson said...

I wish I had time to post. You better have time for your homework...

Grandma of Many said...

David - I agree with Tami in how you can say something with a few words. You made me ponder. I better hurry up as my time is going too fast. It is a short time on this earth but an eternity with God. How awesome is that! Love you, Grandma Dot

John said...

What a difference a year makes. Since we were there last, you have grown into a man. A very handsome Man. Hope you have a GREAT weekend. Love you.

Ginger said...

What a great time post!!!!! You have given each of us something to ponder. We all need to use the time we have on earth wisely and make good choices for the Glory of God. Love you. Aunt Ginger